请确保Javascript已启用 网站的可访问性 经济需求和奖励信息|火博体育-火博体育


经济需求由FAFSA和出勤费用决定, 援助是根据联邦规定发放的, state, 以及机构指南.

The information you provide on the FAFSA calculates what is known as your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). EFC由2023-2024年FAFSA确定. 从2024-2025年FAFSA开始,该法案将于12月9日发布. 31、2023年,EFC将被取代 学生资助指数(SAI). UWF, along with most colleges, uses the EFC as the basis for awarding need-based financial aid. The EFC measures your family's ability to contribute to educational costs but is not necessarily what you are asked to pay. 

出席费用(COA)包括学费和杂费, 食物和住房, 书籍及用品, 个人支出, 和运输. 这个总数因学生而异, 视乎入学状况及住宿安排等因素而定. 

在学生被录取之后, the financial aid office uses UWF’s "cost of attendance" and the EFC to determine your eligibility.  Your eligibility for financial aid is calculated by this formula: 出勤费用 (COA) - Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Financial Need.


As referenced above, effective for the 2024-2025 FAFSA Aid year, SAI will replace EFC.
COA - *SAI =财务需求
*Per federal regulations, students' with a negative SAI will be treated as a zero. 



经济援助是根据联邦法律授予的, state, 和机构指南,以帮助您满足UWF的财务需求.  所有奖励都取决于可用资金. The 火博体育 has the right to change or cancel awards if funds are unavailable, 您的应用程序包含不正确的数据, 您的注册状态发生变化, 或者你的财务状况发生了变化. If there is a change in your eligibility, you will receive a revised award letter via your UWF email.


如果你的FAFSA 选择进行验证,你的奖励将 not 直到您提交了所需的文件才完成, 它已经被财政援助和奖学金办公室审查过了. We will contact you via your UWF email if you are required to submit additional documentation. The 验证政策 可以在网上进行完整的评论吗.


你的经济援助计划是基于全日制入学.  If you choose to enroll less than full-time, your 金融援助 eligibility could change.  Some awards may be cancelled and others may be prorated at a reduced amount.  Please review all award conditions and criteria in MyUWF to determine enrollment requirements for your specific awards. 

9-11 = 3/4时间
6-8 = 1/2倍
1-5 =小于1/2倍
3-5 = 1/2倍
1-2 =不到半场 


Students, you need to be aware of the following conditions when accepting aid from the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金.

  • You must notify this office of any additional financial aid or scholarships you receive that were not previously reported to us. 例子包括:FL光明期货, 私人奖学金, 学费/学费减免, 学费报销, 私人贷款, 职业康复. You must also notify the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 of a change in residency. In some cases, receipt of additional resources will result in a reduction of financial aid.
  • You must notify the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 if you reside in military housing or receive a military housing living allowance (Do NOT include Ch. 33 VA教育福利).
  • If you do not plan to enroll full-time, you must notify the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金. If you do not plan to attend for the semesters awarded, you must notify us. 你的经济援助资格可能会改变.
  • Your enrollment status at the end of drop/add will determine if an adjustment to your award is required. Your award will not be increased as a result of a late add (courses registered for after the official drop/add period).
  • Undergraduate students receive financial aid for undergraduate courses only. Graduate students must be enrolled in graduate courses or undergraduate courses annotated for graduate credit. 
  • 你的经济资助只适用于在UWF学习的课程. 如果你选择注册一门或更多的课程作为临时学生, you should contact the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 regarding the effect on financial aid eligibility.
  • 重复课程的规定适用于联邦财政援助接受者. Federal aid can be awarded to repeat a course one time (if you previously passed it); however, 如果一个课程是重复的,得3分rd 时间,课程将不计入联邦财政援助资格. Please contact the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 if you must repeat a course (that you previously passed) for a 3rd time.
  • Federal regulations dictate that financial aid only be awarded for courses that count toward the student’s degree.  额外的课程, 或非必修课, are not funded and cannot be used to determine enrollment status and financial aid eligibility.
  • 未成年人不能获得第四章或大多数国家援助. Only courses required for your current major and your degree program are eligible. Courses required for a minor may be eligible for financial aid if they also fulfill core, major, 或者你学位的选修要求. Financial aid issues arise when minors are added or attempted to be completed after students have completed all major and core requirements and have earned the minimum number of earned credits to graduate.
  • 如果你旁听一门课程,那么这些时间就可以 not 计入所需的最低入学状态.
  • 被火博体育办公室分类为 "与学位" 没有资格申请经济援助.
  • If your award includes a Federal Direct (Subsidized/Unsubsidized) Student Loan:
    • You are required to sign a promissory note if you are a first-time Direct Loan borrower. Once a signed promissory note is on file, no future signatures are required.
    • You will be required to complete entrance counseling if you are a first-time borrower.
    • 如果还没有决定是否接受直接贷款,那就先接受吧. 你可以拒绝它,直到它被支付.
    • Half-time enrollment in degree applicable hours is always required to borrow federal loans.
  • 如果你的奖学金包括联邦勤工俭学:
    • The amount awarded each semester is the maximum you may earn during that semester (first day of classes to last day of exams). 你将每两周收到一份薪水, 不是一次性付款. The hours/week designation after the Federal Work-Study award is only a guide for the student and supervisor. Following those hours precisely may result in under- or over-utilization; therefore, you are advised to check frequently with your supervisor regarding hours worked and hours remaining in each semester's award.
    • 你必须在你的奖励信中填写联邦勤工俭学附件, 在指定期限内, 接受/拒绝奖项. 您将在稍后的日期收到有关工作安排的通知.
  • The Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 assumes no responsibility for replacing any or reinstating financial aid you decline or become ineligible to receive.